Moray Advanced Motorists & Motorcyclists

Moray Advanced Motorists & Motorcyclists (MAMM)

Moray Advanced Motorists & Motorcyclists (MAMM)

The AGM will be held on 18th February 2020, at 1930, in Elgin Library. All nominations for Committee Members should be sent to the Chairman or Secretary by 16th February 2020

Qualified volunteers at your service

We are an independent Scottish Registered Road Safety Charity,
affiliated to the IAM RoadSmart since 1965 in order to run
Advanced Driving and Riding courses on their behalf

Privacy policy

This website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of the website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve the website. Read More

GDPR Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide an overyiew of how the MAMM Group will protect and use your personal data, as described and required by the GDPR(2018) and IAM RoadSmart.

Moray Group of Advanced Motorists GDPR Policy (PDF)

GDPR Contract Statement (PDF)

MAMM 'AIMS' are:

MAMM is run by unpaid volunteers who are qualified to teach any qualified driver or rider to the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Driving or Riding standard. Our courses are friendly, informal, relaxed and hopfully enjoyable.  The test is conducted in the local area on a convenient day and time by retired Police Officers who are IAM qualified examiners.

Once qualified, 90% of members who seek insurance from IAM Surety tend to be quoted less or significantly less than by their current insurer.

Age is not a barrier to gaining this qualification. However, this course is of particular benefit to anyone who has lost their confidence after an accident, feels they need to refresh their driving or riding skills, or simply enjoys driving or riding and wants to hone their abilities.

Age is not a barrier to gaining this qualification. However, this course is of particular benefit to anyone who has lost their confidence after an accident, feels they need to refresh their driving or riding skills, or simply enjoys driving or riding and wants to hone their abilities.

Liz Davenport

Moray Group Committee Member

Tony Lunnon-Wood

Tony Lunnon-Wood

Moray Group Chairman


Myra Orr

Moray Group Secretary


Bob Drysdale

Moray Group Treasurer


Vincent Dobby

Moray Group Chief Car Observer


Billy Johnson

Moray Group Motorcycle